TEMPO Madison Groups
Book Bags Book ClubBook Bags is for members who enjoy reading fiction. Each month a book nominated by members of the group is selected for each month, and the group rotates both discussion leaders and hostesses. Meets the third Tuesday of the Month at 7:00 p.m. Contact: Orange Schroeder | Non-Fiction Lovers Book ClubReads a variety of non-fiction books covering the arts, biography, world events, history, nature, economics and so much more. The group meets on the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. at a member's home. Contact: Dana Erlandsen or Julie Underwood. |
Meets on the second Saturday of the month at 9 a.m. at the Prairie Cafe in Middleton for breakfast, coffee, and conversation. Contact: Diane Morgenthaler
Women of Wisdom (WOW) & TravelersThe Tempo WOWzers/Travelers group is a circle of circles connecting spheres of friendship among amazing women, most of whom are retired (“rewired”) or can make time to play. The first Monday of each month is a regularly-scheduled luncheon at Imperial Garden, Middleton. Over lunch, we talk about travel plans and experiences, but we also connect each other with Mah Jong groups, share info about art classes, and ideate opportunities to have fun together (aka WOWtings). It’s a chance for us to leisurely develop and reinforce friendships with incredible women. And the best parts? You don't have to be a current Tempo member to join us, there are no expectations and no commitments! Ask to be added to the WOWzer email list to receive notices about what we’re doing when, and voila! You’re part of an incredible community of women who love to explore the world and connect with each other. More Information and sign up for the upcoming emails: Contact Sue Studz |
No Strings AttachedHelps local women in need of an immediate financial boost by granting small, anonymous monetary gifts. If you would like more information on the group please visit the Pay It Forward Website, Contact: Natalie Erdman | Kiva LendingFunds Kiva loans to woman-owned businesses, with an emphasis on lending to women of color. Meets the second Tuesday of the month at 4:00 p.m. Contact: Vicki Bernards or for more information, see full details here. |