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 The TEMPO of Madison Foundation had many successes last year, and this will be an important year in setting the course for the Foundation’s Future.

Last year, along with awarding $11,975 in scholarships to six young women graduating from high school, the Foundation, led by Foundation Past President Susan Thomson:

· Served as the fiscal agent for TEMPO’s amazing 40th Anniversary Celebration, culminating in a dinner featuring Judy Woodruff.

· Purchased a plaque to recognize the dedication of the Frances Huntley-Cooper City of Fitchburg Common Council Chambers.

· Funded training on corporate boards for Patti Epstein, chair, Project Reach.

Our new Foundation Board consists of the following TEMPO past presidents, serving either a one- or two-year term:

Beth Bennett, Vice President

Elaine Rich, Treasurer

Laurie Dies, Secretary

Kris Euclide Director-at-Large

Vickie Wenzel, Director-at-Large 

Diane Everson, Director-at-Large

Eve Galanter, Director-at-Large

Tammy Thayer, Director-at-Large  

TEMPO Madison past presidents who are not on the Foundation Board are members of the Foundation Advisory Council and are welcome to attend any Board meetings. We will also seek your input on our discussions and decisions. Thank you for your service to TEMPO Madison!

This year, the Foundation assumes all of the philanthropic work of TEMPO Madison. In this new role, the Foundation will play a larger role in awarding scholarships to young women graduating from high school and determining how to structure the scholarships going forward. The Foundation will also discuss fundraising for TEMPO Madison, including re-imagining our TEMPO Shares event.

I am looking forward to working with the Foundation Board this year as we transition into a more active role in philanthropy and support TEMPO Madison and women in our community. I look forward to working closely with a group of women whom I so admire, and I’m eager to see what the year holds! Thank you to the women who generously give their time to the Foundation Board and the members of the Foundation Advisory Committee!

Anne Sappenfield 

President, TEMPO Madison Foundation Board

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